Yes I want to live to be 100,
If I can still rock and roll, shimmy and shake. I don't care if it jiggles I just want to be able to do it.
If I can l enjoy the sunshine and wear designer sunglasses and big hats.
If I can go to the beach in some semblance of a bathing suit and still appreciate what a good tan feels like.
If I can still enjoy the beauty and fragrance of flowers.
If I can love and laugh.
If I can still get in and out of my bath tub.
If my mind is sharp and I am challenged with new ideas and adventures.
If I don't run out of friends along the way.
If I can enjoy the hummingbirds and the Red Tailed Hawk that visits me and the owl that calls to me at night.
If I can drink wine and eat chocolate.
If I can watch my son, my grandchildren and their children navigate this crazy world.
If I can have a driver. I won't care if they take my driver's license away. I don't mind being Miss Daisy!